Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Human Waste

In other parts of the world, biosolids (human waste) from sewage treatment plants are treated and used as sustainable agricultural fertilzer. Research the pros and cons of this method and take a stand as to wheather this can be a realistic alternative to our current agricultural practices. Who are the potential stakeholders in this issue? Are we influenced by the western view human as an unsanitary and disgusting nuisance?
Improved Crop Production - Land applications of biosolids that meet strict quality criteria applications rates is a benefical use.
Reclaiming Land - Biosolids have been used successfully to help reclaim disturbed land such as coal strip mines, gravel pits, quarries and landfills.
Conserving Landfill Space - According to EPA, recycling biosolids can help to conserve landfill space, freeing up disposal capacity for a communitys solid wastes.
Providing Topsoil - Provides nutrients materials for use of sports areas, public parks and recreational areas
Hazardous Chemicals - Must clean the waste or else theres toxic chemicl in them.
Low eroperty Value - No one would buy used biosolids.
Brandon McBean

Monday, July 4, 2011

Understanding The Internal Body Syetems

Technology these days have advance far beyond then 10 years ago with faster, improved and more advanced. Technology has been made a huge impact on humans due to being save by them. Devices like x-rays, MRI scans and ultra sounds can help any patients with their situation. All doctors just have to do is just listen and look at the problem to aid the patient. Nowadays there new advance teachnologies that have been like
CT Scan - produces a volume of data that can manipulated through a process known as windowing. In order to demostate various bodly strutures based their ability to block the x-ray beam. CT scanning of the head is typically used to detection infarction, tumours, calcifications haemorrhage and bone trauma.
Coloured Ultrasound - is an ultrasoundbased diagnostic medical imagining technique used to visualize muscle, tendons, and many internal organs to capture their size structure and any pathologival lesions with real time tomographic images. Ultrasound has been used by radiologists and sonographers to image the human body for at least 50 years and has become one of the most widely used diagnostic tools in modern medicine.
MCI - When you undergo a MRI scan doctors are able to retrieve pictures of most of the tissue in the body, bone and the internal systems of the body. To get these pictures the MRI uses "a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer.
Without these technologies we wouldnt be able to save humans and animals lives. Its important to understand the internal body systems because it asists in benefiting oneself. Understanding the internal body structure of the body would be close impossible without these resources as well. These various technologies are an important part in mantaining a healthy life.
Resources -
Blogs i commented on - Gernard D
Alex T

Feeding A Growing Population vs Conserving Biodiversity

The Genetic diversity of the foods that we can eat can be produced in two ways. The first is known "Industriall Agriculture" this is a form of modern farming that refers to the industrial production of crops which includes a small variety of fruits and vegetables.
Industrial agriculture is modern farming that refers to indurtrial production of livestock, fish and crops. The methods of industrail agriculture are technoscientific, political and economic. They include innovation in agricultrail macherinery and farming methods.These methods are widespread in many countires and worldwide.
Most eggs, meat, dairy and fruits are availble in supermarkets that are in the methods of industrial agriculture.Although industrial farming has proven to be benifit in the amount of food that is produced, it has also had a tremedous impact on the worlds water resourses and soil quality because of the huge growth of chemicals and pesticides.
The second "Sustainable Agriculture"is the practice of farming using principles of ecology the study of relationship between organisms and their environment. It has been define as an intergrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site specific applications.
In the long term this method of farming has made the most from the use of non - renewable resources and on farm has made the integrate. Where appropciate, natural biological cycles and controls, sustain the economic viabillity of farm operations, and has enchanced the quality of life for farmers and society as a whole.
Blogs i commented on
Cris. I
Gerard D

Monday, February 7, 2011

Genetic Babies Good or Bad?

A "designer baby" refers to a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilisation to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics. Basically its a baby that has possessed genetic genes thats been already design or already made for the baby to become he/she that the parents have organized that they want for their child.

Objections to the idea of designer babies is parents who decided what they want for the appearances for their baby to have suchs eye colour, hair colour, and face appearances. People around the world have their oppinions on genetic babies wheather its argrees or disagrees on the idea but the pros on this idea is that if the parent or grandparent has a disease such as cancer or anykind the parents can choose and make sure the that gene does not get passed down to the baby. The cons of this idea is that only the rich people can afford this due to large money to invest to create a genetic baby and that baby when he/she grows up he/she may not be able to reproduce.

In my opinion, I think this is terrible because its just wrong. Designing your own baby and choosing how on your baby is gonna look like in the future is nonsense you shouldnt do this because its against on God's view on his creation on your baby therefore im against genetic babies and that its shouldnt be done and must be stop