Monday, February 7, 2011

Genetic Babies Good or Bad?

A "designer baby" refers to a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilisation to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteristics. Basically its a baby that has possessed genetic genes thats been already design or already made for the baby to become he/she that the parents have organized that they want for their child.

Objections to the idea of designer babies is parents who decided what they want for the appearances for their baby to have suchs eye colour, hair colour, and face appearances. People around the world have their oppinions on genetic babies wheather its argrees or disagrees on the idea but the pros on this idea is that if the parent or grandparent has a disease such as cancer or anykind the parents can choose and make sure the that gene does not get passed down to the baby. The cons of this idea is that only the rich people can afford this due to large money to invest to create a genetic baby and that baby when he/she grows up he/she may not be able to reproduce.

In my opinion, I think this is terrible because its just wrong. Designing your own baby and choosing how on your baby is gonna look like in the future is nonsense you shouldnt do this because its against on God's view on his creation on your baby therefore im against genetic babies and that its shouldnt be done and must be stop

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I totally agree with all the moral and religious issues that IVF poses. But I also think that in the long run, `designer babies` can also affect all of us human beings (in a negative way of course).
    Anywho, I really love how you explained the cons of designer babies. The article was quite informative and I enjoyed reading it. Nice work man!
